Offshore Company Formation in UAE

The United Arab Emirates is a perfect hub for your offshore company formation. 

Entrepreneurs and investors from all over the world get benefit from tax exemption, easy business formation processing, and a high degree of privacy.

Start Your Offshore Company in UAE!

You can start your offshore company in Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA Dubai), and Ajman Offshore (AFZ). The offshore jurisdictions are tax-free, but you are only eligible to work outside the UAE. Setting up offshore companies in the UAE allows entrepreneurs to have 100% foreign ownership, and confidentiality, and you can easily open your bank account in UAE.

Emirates Business Setup offers offshore company setup services in UAEThe offshore company setup costs start from 25,000 AED.  Our team ensures the easiest and fastest way to process your offshore company registration within 4 to 5 working days.

It is the best choice for you to connect with the markets in the Middle East and globally while saving yourself from corporate tax!

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Benefits of Offshore Company Setup UAE

Offshore company formation in UAE offers numerous benefits and some of them are listed below:

0% Corporate Tax

100% Fully Ownership

Assets Protection

Business Confidentiality

Low-cost Business Setup

Access to Bank Account

Global Market Access

Strategic Location

Documents Requirements

In order to register your business setup in any offshore, it is necessary for all shareholders and directors to provide certain documents. The listed documents are required to start your own offshore company setup.

Passport Copies of All Shareholders.

Three different unique business names.

Proof of Address.

Types of Business Activities.

Business Plan or CV.

Personal Bank Statement.

Physical Office not Required.

Copy of Original Bank Reference Letter.

Obtain a Certificate of Incorporation

A UAE offshore company setup refers to a legal entity established outside the Emirate and resides within a dedicated offshore jurisdiction. However, the entities are allowed to conduct business activities outside the region, safeguarding the assets, and all the financial information remains confidential.
In the UAE, obtaining an offshore certificate of incorporation involves setting up a company in one of the country’s offshore jurisdictions. You can choose from Ras Al Khaimah offshore, Ajman Offshore, or Dubai Offshore Jurisdiction. The specific certificate availability may vary depending on the business activities you choose to conduct in that jurisdiction.

Generally, the following types of business activities are common in the offshore business setup UAE:

Business meeting in a conference room.

Why Choose an Offshore Company in UAE?

Offshore company setup in the UAE offers a range of strategic advantages for businesses. They provide tax efficiency, enabling companies to minimize their tax liabilities and optimize profits. Additionally, the offshore business setup offers a layer of asset protection, safeguarding assets from potential legal risks or disputes in the home country. However, this added security is important for businesses operating in industries with higher liability risks. 

Process of an Offshore Company Setup

Choose a Company Name

Choose a business name that complies with registrar guidelines, avoiding restricted terms. You can also include “Ltd.” or “Incorporated” in the company name.

Submit Your Application

Gather all relevant documents, including address proof of shareholders/directors, CVs, business plan, and photocopies of passport with your application.

Relevant Authorities Approvals

Depending on whether you’re an individual or a corporate entity, submit the collected documents to the appropriate authorities for review and initial approval.

Draft MoA and AoA

Draft Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA). Prepare these documents in English or Arabic (if required). Submit them for review by the relevant authorities in the UAE. After the approvals, you can start your own company in offshore.

Open an Offshore Bank Account

Opening an offshore bank account in UAE allows for smooth business transactions. You can open your offshore corporate bank account in Dubai or anywhere in the UAE right after having an offshore company setup.

Restrictions and Requirements

Advantages of an offshore company setup in the UAE are numerous. However, there are also some limitations and legal requirements to be considered.

Certificate of Incorporation

In contrast to mainland company formation in Dubai or the Freezones, offshore company formation in UAE does not involve the issuing of a business license. However, instead of a business license, a certificate of incorporation is provided.

Business Outside the UAE

An offshore company conducts its business outside the location where it is registered. It is restricted from doing any business activities inside the UAE. Additionally, an offshore business cannot have any physical presence or office in the UAE. Hence, an offshore company setup does not include any resident visas.

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